Professional Traditional Medical Center
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Bamboo Massage Treatment
Bamboo can help remove heat and toxins inside the body. With special massage techniques, this treatment aims at clearing toxins and helps back flattening, body firming, breast lifting.
Ginger Moxibustion Treatment
A combination of massage and traditional Chinese medical moxibustion therapy, we developed a Ginger Moxibustion treatment for relieving pain, combing and unblocking the meridian system. Significantly alleviates pain and muscle soreness.
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【全身都瘦😢點解都仲會有大肚腩!局部穴位埋線幫到你😉】 明明全身都好瘦,但偏偏有個大肚腩或者手臀掰掰肉,想減都唔知可以點減好😢,唔想辛苦又想健康瘦身?世上真係有咁荀嘅事咩?真係有😎!康和堂局部穴位埋線修身療程幫到你。 療程由香港註冊中醫師主理👨🏻⚕️👩🏻⚕️,將高規格嘅韓國製PDO蛋白線透過針具藏入特定穴位同頑固脂肪部位🪡,無間斷持續地令穴位⏺️、脂肪層受到刺激,以達到持續減肥嘅效果🔁。再而令小血管擴張、促進水液代謝、提高新陳代謝、加强局部營養供養,令局部受損組織修復,改善體質。當身體新陳代謝能力提高之後能夠加速燃脂效果🔥,所以做完療程,如果生活習慣唔係有太大改變嘅話係唔會出現「反彈」現象☝️。 ☀️穴位埋線修身療程(局部) | 20條韓國製PDO蛋白線 單次優惠價:$1,588 (原價: HK$3,210) 三次優惠價:$4,288 (原價: HK$9,620) 療程包診症、中藥、清脂素,刺激穴位,效果持久。 心動不如行動🥰,撳吓隔嚟條link聯絡我哋啦👉: #康和堂 #註冊中醫 #中醫美容 #尖沙咀 #穴位埋線 #修身 #減肥 #瘦身 #減肥瘦身 #中醫減肥 #局部減肥...
【全身都瘦😢點解都仲會有大肚腩!局部穴位埋線幫到你😉】 明明全身都好瘦,但偏偏有個大肚腩或者手臀掰掰肉,想減都唔知可以點減好😢,唔想辛苦又想健康瘦身?世上真係有咁荀嘅事咩?真係有😎!康和堂局部穴位埋線修身療程幫到你。 療程由香港註冊中醫師主理👨🏻⚕️👩🏻⚕️,將高規格嘅韓國製PDO蛋白線透過針具藏入特定穴位同頑固脂肪部位🪡,無間斷持續地令穴位⏺️、脂肪層受到刺激,以達到持續減肥嘅效果🔁。再而令小血管擴張、促進水液代謝、提高新陳代謝、加强局部營養供養,令局部受損組織修復,改善體質。當身體新陳代謝能力提高之後能夠加速燃脂效果🔥,所以做完療程,如果生活習慣唔係有太大改變嘅話係唔會出現「反彈」現象☝️。 ☀️穴位埋線修身療程(局部) | 20條韓國製PDO蛋白線 單次優惠價:$1,588 (原價: HK$3,210) 三次優惠價:$4,288 (原價: HK$9,620) 療程包診症、中藥、清脂素,刺激穴位,效果持久。 心動不如行動🥰,撳吓隔嚟條link聯絡我哋啦👉: #康和堂 #註冊中醫 #中醫美容 #尖沙咀 #穴位埋線 #修身 #減肥 #瘦身 #減肥瘦身 #中醫減肥 #局部減肥...
【天氣終於轉涼🍂!白露時節切忌 __ __ …😨】
【天氣終於轉涼🍂!白露時節切忌 __ __ …😨】 嚟到二十四節氣嘅「白露」,代表天氣開始轉涼,早晚會感受到陣陣涼意。呢個時節,濕氣中亦夾帶著涼氣,並隨著氣溫嘅下降,空氣中嘅濕氣喺夜晚會凝結成白色嘅露珠掛喺樹葉同草尖上,所以稱為白露。 俗語有云:「白露勿露身」,所以要注意唔好赤膊裸體以免著涼,因此增强抵抗力非常重要✨,建議宜食沙參、百合、紅棗等等。 #康和堂 五指毛桃百合湯包具補氣健脾,扶正固表效用,有助抗流感、敏感症狀,非常適合白露時節作為養生湯水飲用😋。 快啲點擊以下連結到我地官網: 或 HKTV Mall購買: #康和堂 #註冊中醫 #中醫美容 #尖沙咀 #二十四節氣 #24節氣 #白露 #秋季 #秋天 #涼氣 #百合 #紅棗 #沙參 #補氣 #健脾...
【天氣終於轉涼🍂!白露時節切忌 __ __ …😨】
【天氣終於轉涼🍂!白露時節切忌 __ __ …😨】 嚟到二十四節氣嘅「白露」,代表天氣開始轉涼,早晚會感受到陣陣涼意。呢個時節,濕氣中亦夾帶著涼氣,並隨著氣溫嘅下降,空氣中嘅濕氣喺夜晚會凝結成白色嘅露珠掛喺樹葉同草尖上,所以稱為白露。 俗語有云:「白露勿露身」,所以要注意唔好赤膊裸體以免著涼,因此增强抵抗力非常重要✨,建議宜食沙參、百合、紅棗等等。 #康和堂 五指毛桃百合湯包具補氣健脾,扶正固表效用,有助抗流感、敏感症狀,非常適合白露時節作為養生湯水飲用😋。 快啲點擊以下連結到我地官網: 或 HKTV Mall購買: #康和堂 #註冊中醫 #中醫美容 #尖沙咀 #二十四節氣 #24節氣 #白露 #秋季 #秋天 #涼氣 #百合 #紅棗 #沙參 #補氣 #健脾...
【激抵價!新店開張療程優惠任你揀 🎉】
【激抵價!新店開張療程優惠任你揀 🎉】 為慶祝 #康和堂 金馬倫店 隆重開幕,特別推出三大療程優惠畀大家。無論你想中醫調理身體定係穴位按摩放鬆,總有適合你!✨優惠期由即日起至9月30日,機會難得,唔好錯過喇!🎊 ☀️穴位埋線修身療程(局部) | 20條韓國製PDO蛋白線 單次優惠價:$1,588 三次優惠價:$4,288 療程包診症、中藥、清脂素,刺激穴位,效果持久。 💆🏻♀️十二經絡養生療法(45分鐘)[10次] | 購買即額外送5次 套裝價:$8,800 刺激經絡,行氣活血,減輕身心壓力,增強新陳代謝。 👩🏻中醫艾灸養宮調和療程(10次) | 購買即額外送5次 套裝價:$6,800 溫經行氣,遂寒濕,改善月事、經痛等問題。 📍 新店地址:九龍尖沙咀金馬倫道42號華懋金馬倫中心17樓全層 如有任何查詢,㩒吓隔嚟條link聯絡我哋啦👉:...
【激抵價!新店開張療程優惠任你揀 🎉】
【激抵價!新店開張療程優惠任你揀 🎉】 為慶祝 #康和堂 金馬倫店 隆重開幕,特別推出三大療程優惠畀大家。無論你想中醫調理身體定係穴位按摩放鬆,總有適合你!✨優惠期由即日起至9月30日,機會難得,唔好錯過喇!🎊 ☀️穴位埋線修身療程(局部) | 20條韓國製PDO蛋白線 單次優惠價:$1,588 三次優惠價:$4,288 療程包診症、中藥、清脂素,刺激穴位,效果持久。 💆🏻♀️十二經絡養生療法(45分鐘)[10次] | 購買即額外送5次 套裝價:$8,800 刺激經絡,行氣活血,減輕身心壓力,增強新陳代謝。 👩🏻中醫艾灸養宮調和療程(10次) | 購買即額外送5次 套裝價:$6,800 溫經行氣,遂寒濕,改善月事、經痛等問題。 📍 新店地址:九龍尖沙咀金馬倫道42號華懋金馬倫中心17樓全層 如有任何查詢,㩒吓隔嚟條link聯絡我哋啦👉:...
Introduction to Harmonic Health Medical Centre
Harmonic Health Medical Centre upholds the profound heritage of traditional Chinese medicine and integrates modern technology, striving to provide comprehensive Chinese medical services to our clients. Our team of experienced Chinese medicine practitioners at Harmonic Health Medical Centre has undergone rigorous training and possesses the ability to accurately diagnose ailments through observation, listening, inquiry, and pulse examination. They are well-versed in various traditional Chinese medical therapies such as acupuncture, cupping, massotherapy, and meridian therapy. Additionally, our medical centre constantly updates its knowledge of Chinese medicine, learning and applying the latest advancements in medical research.
As a highly recommended TCM clinic in Mong Kok and Causeway Bay, Harmonic Health Medical Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment in both our Mong Kok and Causeway Bay branches, enabling precise diagnosis and treatment of various diseases. These equipment include digital pulse diagnosis instruments, modern acupuncture devices, and instruments for analyzing patient constitution in real-time. Furthermore, Harmonic Health Medical Centre places a strong emphasis on the quality and safety of herbal medicine, selecting only rigorously tested and certified herbs to ensure that each patient receives the purest and most effective TCM treatment.
To provide patients with a more comfortable healthcare experience, Harmonic Health Medical Centre has implemented modern clinic management practices. This not only simplifies the appointment process but also enhances the operational efficiency of the medical centre while ensuring the security of patient privacy. Through features such as electronic medical records, we can more effectively manage and treat different patients.
If you are seeking a TCM clinic in Mong Kok or Causeway Bay for your healthcare needs, Harmonic Health Medical Centre is an excellent choice!
Why Choose Harmonic Health Medical Centre?
With its rich history and extensive practical experience, the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine has been refined and documented in classical texts such as the Huangdi Neijing, Nanjing, and Shanghan Lun. These ancient texts provide the theoretical foundation for modern Chinese medicine, which is embodied and practiced at Harmonic Health Medical Centre.
Harmonic Health Medical Centre follows the treatment philosophy of strengthening the foundation and addressing the root cause. This approach has made it a preferred choice for many seeking TCM treatment. In our medical centre, we not only focus on symptom management ("treating the illness") but also emphasize the harmonization of organ function, meridians, and the flow of qi and blood to strengthen the body's foundation ("treating the root"). This helps achieve a balanced state of Yin and Yang, enhancing the body's ability to resist diseases. The treatment direction of TCM clinics differs from the direct disease-focused approach of Western medicine, placing greater emphasis on overall health and balance of the body.
At Harmonic Health Medical Centre, diagnostic methods combine the four pillars of observation, listening, inquiry, and pulse examination. "Observation" involves observing the patient's complexion, facial appearance, tongue condition, and other external manifestations. "Listening" refers to understanding the patient's breathing pattern, the strength of their voice, and the presence of any unusual odors to gain insights into internal health issues. Through "inquiry," our Chinese medicine practitioners delve deep into specific symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle habits to gain a comprehensive understanding of the patient's physical condition. "Pulse examination" involves touching and perceiving the patient's pulse wave to further confirm the diagnosis and nature of the illness.
Harmonic Health Medical Centre emphasizes the use of natural therapies in treatment. This includes harnessing the natural properties of Chinese herbs, regulating the body's meridians through acupuncture, and promoting the circulation of qi and blood through techniques such as tuina massage. These treatment methods are gentle and have relatively minimal side effects.
Recommended TCM Clinic in Mong Kok
Mong Kok is a famous tourist and shopping district in Hong Kong, with numerous TCM clinics making it challenging to find a recommended TCM clinic in Mong Kok. Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Mong Kok is renowned for providing comprehensive TCM treatments and holds a prominent position among Mong Kok TCM clinics. With a dedicated and attentive approach to treating ailments, Harmonic Health Medical Centre strives to offer excellent TCM services to patients of all kinds, earning its reputation as a recommended TCM clinic in Mong Kok. The practitioners at Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Mong Kok understand the responsibility of treating illnesses and prioritize the patient's health. They adopt personalized treatments based on the patient's constitution to quickly address their symptoms, embodying the integration of theory and practice in Mong Kok TCM.
If you have health issues and are looking for a reliable TCM clinic in Mong Kok, consider choosing Harmonic Health Medical Centre.
Mong Kok Chinese Medicine and Causeway BayChinese Medicine Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I find recommended Chinese medicine practitioners in Mong Kok or Causeway Bay?
You can choose Harmonic Health Medical Centre for recommended Chinese medicine practitioners in Mong Kok or Causeway Bay. Harmonic Health Medical Centre upholds the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine and provides high-quality and reliable Chinese medicine services to patients. The Chinese medicine doctors at HHPCL are knowledgeable and experienced, able to accurately diagnose conditions and provide appropriate therapies. Both the Mong Kok and Causeway Bay clinics of HHPCL offer a comfortable environment and well-equipped facilities, providing a good experience for patients. Therefore, they are a good choice for recommended Chinese medicine practitioners in Mong Kok or Causeway Bay.
2. What Chinese medicine treatment services does Harmonic Health Medical Centre provide?
Harmonic Health Medical Centre provides comprehensive Chinese medicine consultations, Chinese herbal prescriptions, acupuncture, massotherapy, cupping, and other Chinese medicine treatments.
3. Which conditions are best suited for treatment at a Chinese medicine clinic?
The following conditions are best suited for treatment at a Chinese medicine clinic:
Chronic pain: Including back pain, neck pain, joint pain, and muscle pain. Acupuncture and massotherapy are commonly used Chinese medicine treatments that can help alleviate pain and improve functionality.
Digestive system issues: Such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome. Chinese medicine can improve digestive function through diet adjustments, herbal medicine, and acupuncture.
Headaches and migraines: Chinese medicine can effectively reduce headaches by adjusting the body's qi and blood balance through acupuncture and herbal medicine.
Insomnia and sleep problems: Chinese medicine views these symptoms as often related to imbalances in the heart, kidneys, qi, and blood, which can be treated with herbal medicine and acupuncture.
Respiratory system diseases: Such as asthma and chronic bronchitis. Chinese medicine treats these diseases by improving lung function and enhancing the immune system.
Gynecological issues: Including menstrual pain, irregular periods, and menopausal symptoms. Chinese medicine can address gynecological symptoms by regulating hormones and qi and blood.
Skin problems: Such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Chinese medicine adjusts the body's internal environment through internal herbal medicine and topical ointments.
Reproductive health issues: Including male and female infertility. Chinese medicine can help improve the function of the reproductive system.
The effectiveness of Chinese medicine treatment varies from person to person, and in some cases, it may need to be combined with Western medical treatment.
4. Does Harmonic Health Medical Centre offer online or remote consultation services?
To control the spread of infectious diseases and accommodate individuals who may have difficulty going out, Harmonic Health Medical Centre offers online or remote consultation services. Please request online or remote consultation services when making a phone appointment and arrange the consultation and medication pickup time.
5. Where are the locations of Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Mong Kok and Causeway Bay?
The Mong Kok clinic of Harmonic Health Medical Centre is located at Unit 2101, 21/F, Office Tower One, Grand Plaza, 625 & 639 Nathan Road, Mong Kok. The Causeway Bay clinic Harmonic Health Medical Centre is located on the 11/F, Emperor Watch and Jewellery Centre, 8 Russell Street, Causeway Bay. Both locations are conveniently located near MTR stations.
6. How are the fees at Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Mong Kok and Causeway Bay?
The fees at Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Mong Kok and Causeway Bay are standardized. We have a clear price list that outlines the charges for Chinese medicine consultations and various treatments. The fees are transparent and straightforward.
7. Does Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Mong Kok provide bone-setting services?
Currently, Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Mong Kok does not provide bone-setting services. However, Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Mong Kok offers effective treatments for pain, including cupping, acupuncture, and moxibustion.
8. Does Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Causeway Bay offer Chinese medicine treatment services for children?
Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Causeway Bay currently provides Chinese medicine treatment services for children. They can use Chinese medicine treatment methods to address common childhood illnesses such as colds, asthma, or digestive problems. If needed, you can call to make an appointment for Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Causeway Bay.
9. How can I make an appointment at HHPCL's Mong Kok or Causeway Bay clinics?
You can directly call the contact phone number of Harmonic Health Medical Centre in Mong Kok or Causeway Bay to make an appointment. After successfully booking an appointment, please arrive at the scheduled clinic location on time. If you need to change the appointment time after booking in Mong Kok or Causeway Bay, please also call the clinic's contact phone number for changes. Walk-in patients without appointments can also come to Harmonic Health Medical Centreto inquire about availability, but it is recommended to make an appointment in advance to ensure timely treatment.
10. Are the Chinese medicine practitioners at Harmonic Health Medical Centre registered and licensed?
Yes, the Chinese medicine practitioners at Harmonic Health Medical Centre are registered and licensed professionals. They have received formal education and training in Chinese medicine and hold the necessary qualifications and certifications to practice Chinese medicine in Hong Kong. You can trust in their expertise and knowledge in providing Chinese medicine treatments.
Please note that the information provided above is based on the knowledge available up to September 2021, and there may have been changes or updates since then. It is always recommended to directly contact Harmonic Health Medical Centre for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding their services, practitioners, and appointment procedures.