Herbal Benefits


Anti-aging by Mushroom?

Mushrooms, also known as mushrooms, mushrooms, rich in protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, more than 10 kinds of amino acids and organic trace elements such as...

Anti-aging by Mushroom?

Mushrooms, also known as mushrooms, mushrooms, rich in protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, more than 10 kinds of amino acids and organic trace elements such as...

袪濕首選 – 茯苓


Poria: mainly produced in Yunnan, also known as Yun Ling. Poria, white fungus spleen osmosis, red Poria cocos long longer than the heat dampness, and Poria skin...


Poria: mainly produced in Yunnan, also known as Yun Ling. Poria, white fungus spleen osmosis, red Poria cocos long longer than the heat dampness, and Poria skin...



Yam, also known as yam, the origin is located in the vicinity of the Huai River hence the name yam, its nutritional value is very rich. According to “Compendium of...


Yam, also known as yam, the origin is located in the vicinity of the Huai River hence the name yam, its nutritional value is very rich. According to “Compendium of...



Natto is a Japanese traditional medicinal food and national treasure-level food, made from soybeans by the fermentation of Bacillus natto. Natto in natto kinase utility is...


Natto is a Japanese traditional medicinal food and national treasure-level food, made from soybeans by the fermentation of Bacillus natto. Natto in natto kinase utility is...



Sweet honey, flat, rich in glucose, fructose, vitamins (B1, B2, D, E), trace elements: calcium, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus and so on. Efficacy: tonic dryness, pain relief, detoxificat...


Sweet honey, flat, rich in glucose, fructose, vitamins (B1, B2, D, E), trace elements: calcium, iron, copper, potassium, phosphorus and so on. Efficacy: tonic dryness, pain relief, detoxificat...



When the honey collects honey, it also collects some resinous substances that, when mixed with the bees’ saliva, produce a dark brown jelly called Bee Propolis. The propolis is...


When the honey collects honey, it also collects some resinous substances that, when mixed with the bees’ saliva, produce a dark brown jelly called Bee Propolis. The propolis is...