Beauty Tips

三款湯水 消水腫

3 Soups for Detox

Spleen and kidney are the main causes of edema; nutritional imbalance, stress, emotional distress and other internal and external factors can cause edema. Do not...

3 Soups for Detox

Spleen and kidney are the main causes of edema; nutritional imbalance, stress, emotional distress and other internal and external factors can cause edema. Do not...

氣虛血弱脾腎陽虛 手足冰冷怎麼辦?

Hand & Foot Cold Problem

Chinese medicine, cold and hand and foot are called “Jueleng”, that is, the body is not followed by yin and yang, do not follow the usual way, resulting in lack of...

Hand & Foot Cold Problem

Chinese medicine, cold and hand and foot are called “Jueleng”, that is, the body is not followed by yin and yang, do not follow the usual way, resulting in lack of...

頭髮稀疏有救 中醫2大藥膳助脫髮危機

2 Steps in TCM to Cure Hair Lost Problem

Chinese medicine has the meaning of “making blood for the worse” – adolescent blood is strong, the hair grows densely black and bright, but the pressure of urban life, mental...

2 Steps in TCM to Cure Hair Lost Problem

Chinese medicine has the meaning of “making blood for the worse” – adolescent blood is strong, the hair grows densely black and bright, but the pressure of urban life, mental...

夏日美顏 告別暗沉肌膚

Summer beauty: Says goodbye to dull skin

Summer has arrived, how to keep the skin white and slippery state? Often dark circles and facial swelling and other problems plagued? Chinese medicine has the meaning...

Summer beauty: Says goodbye to dull skin

Summer has arrived, how to keep the skin white and slippery state? Often dark circles and facial swelling and other problems plagued? Chinese medicine has the meaning...

一杯杞子茶 快速護眼明目法

Wolfberry Tea

A considerable number of urban cases such as: hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, depression and other diseases are due to mental stress and emotional stress...

Wolfberry Tea

A considerable number of urban cases such as: hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, depression and other diseases are due to mental stress and emotional stress...

春季濕氣困身 藥膳標本兼治

TCM to Remove Dampness

From a Chinese perspective, “wet” has internal and external points. External wetness is caused by the outside world, for example: humid weather, water and rain, etc., and...

TCM to Remove Dampness

From a Chinese perspective, “wet” has internal and external points. External wetness is caused by the outside world, for example: humid weather, water and rain, etc., and...